TED Talks 2023: ADTKD-MUC1 as a model disease

Anna Greka on her discovery of the cause of the rare kidney disease


October 22, 2023 - The physician and scientist Anna Greka researches rare diseases at the Broad Institute. Through hypothesis-driven research, or "molecular detective work" as she calls it, Greka and her team were able to determine the cause of the previously enigmatic kidney disease ADTKD - and even develop a promising treatment. Their work could lead to treatments for more than 50 other diseases, including ALS and Alzheimer's.

TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) – originally an innovation conference in Monterey, California – is best known for the TED Talks website, where the best lectures are posted online as videos for free. Each speaker has a maximum of 18 minutes to present their idea in a personal and appealing way.

Click on the image for the video:

TED-Talk 2023: Anna Greka über ihre bahnbrechende Forschung zu ADTKD
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